In the past few years, puppy boarding school might not have taken an essential role when bringing a new puppy home. Nevertheless, we now know the significance of early training and socialization in the puppies during the important imprinting phase between 8-18 weeks. This is a duration when puppies are open to learning new things and accepting new experiences and situations.
Puppy boarding schools are aimed at puppies of this age group to expose them to different people and a range of dogs. This helps them to learn how to interact well with them in a secure and controlled environment.
This is the initial step of nurturing a balanced adult dog who will be confident and friendly to other dogs and people. It will help to avoid later aggressive and fear responses. It’s important to go on socializing your puppy to many sounds, sights and smells throughout the growing stage. Bear in mind that the early imprinting duration is important. This makes enrolling in a professional puppy boarding school important, irrespective of your training skills or having other canine friends at home.
What is puppy boarding school?
Puppy boarding school differs from obedience classes. Note that obedience classes are focused and designed for continuous training of obedience commands in a group environment for dogs above 6 months old. Puppy boarding school focuses on setting the right foundation for your dog’s future life.
Puppy boarding schools focus on early socialization in that important imprinting phase, offering timely and valuable information to puppy owners. This helps rectify any identified issues in the dog’s growing phase before they are ingrained and hard to rectify.
Is my furry friend too young?
There has been a fallacy among many puppy owners that their pet isn’t fully vaccinated and so can’t attend school. Nevertheless, a reliable puppy boarding school will be performed in a safe, controlled, and clean environment such as in a veterinary surgery that lessens the risk to your pet’s health.
Benefits of puppy boarding school
The puppy learns to be confident and friendly to dogs and people
By socializing with other puppies at a tender age, the puppy will have a chance to experiment with various types of play and posturing including wrestling, chase, and play bows. Learning to communicate and read with other dogs utilizing this doggy language helps your pet to interact and play successfully with other dogs as it grows.
A good puppy boarding school will be closely supervised by experienced trained people with skills in early puppy habits who will concentrate on encouraging and rewarding the right behaviors with treats, games, and praises. They can identify appropriate play versus bullying or intimidation and make sure that these early experiences are positive for all of the puppies involved. Unluckily, an instructor without these experiences and knowledge can do more harm.
The puppy will learn to control their biting
Puppies bite. That’s normal and it’s essential for puppies to experiment with biting such that they can learn not to bite hard and not to bite completely. They should learn how to control their jaws and develop what’s known as bite shyness. So, if they are in a stressful condition and they react with a bite, they’ll be able to control their bites and use a soft mouth.
The puppy will learn how to settle
There are numerous approaches to teaching puppies to settle. This crate training to mat training to simply teach them a signal to indicate that playtime is over. In most cases, puppy boarding schools have some time for the pets to play and time for the pet owner to learn. This is the time these puppies can be encouraged or held to lie down and extricate from playing. This is a valuable skill when you want to want the puppy to be attention-seeking or underfoot.
The puppy will get used to begin held
From a younger age, puppies need to experience being handled by different people, including their paws, ears, in combination with sweet talk and treats. By exposing the puppy to such a positive experience, you are assisting to prepare them for a lifetime of complaint-free grooming, nail trims, and veterinary examinations. Not all dogs/puppies love to be hugged, but dogs must accept to be handled or restrained in a way that makes them feel comfy.